Effective August 1st, the new monthly content for GraphicsFlow is available for download exclusively through the GraphicsFlow web app. We have discontinued the Smart Designer Content Manager due to persistent technical issues with large downloads. GraphicsFlow is now the exclusive content delivery method for Smart Designer. GraphicsFlow has a powerful search capability and you can download individual files as needed directly into CorelDRAW and edit them using Smart Designer.
Accessing Monthly Art Releases
Once you log into GraphicsFlow, the new monthly templates and clipart will show up at the top of the Design Ideas or Clipart list by default. Just make sure to have Recent First selected. You can see the release date in the file name. "GF_T0822" This stands for GraphicsFlow Templates August 2022. If you want to just look at the new template downloads, just type GF in the Filter Results, and just the monthly templates will be displayed. You can also add the date, for instance, GF_T0722 to the search for July 2022 templates.
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